Hybrid "Duo" Sounds Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. Authentic Expression With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting.

Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch.

Look carefully where the installer will prompt you to install the VST2 file) In all these directories files will need to be replaced.Included: STANDALONE | AU | VST | VST3 | AAX Custom Controls The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound.

VST2 Plug-In: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\vstplugins (Depending on the DAW you are using, this path may be different. VST3 Plug-In: C :\Program Files\Common Files\VST3