Some of the books have audio notes and translations. You can also share the pages of any Sindhi book on social networking website for discussion. Sindhi Books: website has more than 50 digital Sindhi Books in Arabic, Devanagari and English that you can easily refer in e-paper format. To check the Lyrics of the song you'll have to play the Sindhi Song and click on lyrics tab. Many of the Sindhi Songs have Lyrics within. They can also enjoy your Sindhi Song playlist from Sindhyat website. You can make exclusive song collection and also share your Sindhi Song playlist with friends. If you like the song you can add that to your playlist and just press the play button to listen hundreds of the songs you added to this playlist. Sindhi Music: You can search for Sindhi Music with song title or on Artist or Album name and instantly start playing.

You can share your Music likes or comment on almost any section of the website. Once you register on you will have access to huge Sindhi material for reference and download. website is an attempt to bring all Sindhi friends together and meet at this virtual point and know each other.

website caters primarily to Sindhi Diaspora spread across entire world looking for their roots and origin. website is one point online location where you can discover huge information about Sindhi Language, Music, Movies, Books, Sindhi Dictionary, Sindhi Keyboard, Calendar Events, Sindhi Artists.